The Poll Ted Cruz Doesn’t Want You To See


Over and over Ted Cruz has said that he is the only one who can win the nomination and beat Hillary in the general election.

Kasich has been saying the same thing. He is the only one who can beat Hillary in the fall.

Now, they are both wrong.

For the first time this entire election season, a well-respected poll has come out that shows Hillary and Trump in a dead heat.

In a head to head matchup, a recent poll by George Washington University, with the help of the Tarrance Group and Lake Research Partners, shows that Trump is within the statistical margin of victory.

He has come a long way. In similar polls he has been down as many as 18 points to Hillary, but now he is tied.

This is a big day for Donald Trump. If he can win big today and take most of the delegates then there is no hope for Ted Cruz to be able to get enough delegates before the election. Ted’s only hope, and Kasich’s too for that matter, is to head to the convention and hope that Donald doesn’t reach the 1,237 delegates needed to win.

The poll also showed that a majority of Americans, 82%, is engaged in this presidential race. They are following very or somewhat closely.

This, coupled with the recent news that Donald Trump has more votes than Romney did at this point in 2012, makes it hard to think that he won’t get the nomination at this point.

With a big win today, and the national polls are showing that people are warming to his message, he could be set to lock up the nomination earlier than anyone expected.

Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.